Many Voices Project
Creating conversations about race and equality in Cambridge
Please join us in a citywide conversation about equality and justice.
This conversation is especially important after the shocking recent events in Ferguson, Staten Island and Cleveland.
Let us grow a discussion about race, justice and equality right now, right here in Cambridge, creating spaces to hear one another's stories and to work towards meaningful change.
Over the opening weeks of the new year we held poetry workshops throught the city, encouraging conversations, thoughts, emotions, and ideas in the form of Haiku poems. These Haiku - this mosaic of hundreds of Cambridge Voices was compiled into a chapbook of hundreds of Cambridge voices and shared across the city. You can read some of the poems and voices on our Cambridge Voices Page.
We want to continue this conversation and we want everyone's voice: all races and all ethnicities, our youngest and our oldest, the voices of people who work in all types of jobs, from every economic class, from every walk of life. We are hoping to hold a series of readings and follow-up poetry workshops. If you are interested in hosting a reading please reach out to us here.
This is only the beginning of a very long conversation. Please add your voice!
When all will be said
Of hatred and unfairness
We will be just fine
~by Jean Dany Joachim, Past Poet Populist of Cambridge